ㅤTime Until Next Open World RP Nightㅤ

Weekly social RP hosted at the Observatorium, every Thursday & Saturday, for members of all walks of life. Come by and form connections with fellow roleplayers passing through.


Location: The Observatorium, Coerthas Central Highlands
Co-ords: X: 25.6, Y:28.4
Activity: Every Thursday, From 8 PM
timezone: EST
server: Dynamis, Halicarnassus


Location: The Observatorium, Coerthas Central Highlands
Co-ords: X: 25.6, Y:28.4
Activity: Every Saturday, From 3 PM
timezone: EST
server: Materia, Bismarck

[Note: The Saturday event alternates between the Dynamis & Materia Data Centers every other Saturday.]


   I. Info

'Dragonhead' is a RP initiative, to assist in facilitating in-character role-play and engagement within the open world. Our objective is to promote community activity that doesn't entirely focus on venues. Are you a noble? An adventurer passing through? Perhaps you are a merchant looking to peddle your wares? Given that the Observatorium is a central location between Ishgard, The Shroud and Mor Dhona, it is very likely to meet people from all walks of life at this humble locale.

   I. Intentions

The intention of this initiative is to bring activity to the open world with rolling narratives and a constant roleplay presence. While it is difficult to do so with FFXIV boasting a RP community across all its Data Centers, for now, we intend to focus on keeping most of our open world initiative situated on Dynamis, Halicarnassus, with DMs free to host their narratives on a server of their choosing (provided that server isn't congested). We hope to create an active and prosperous community for those who have a passion for RP in our beloved Coerthas, and Ishgard - of course.

ㅤWhat to Expectㅤ

  • Political Intrigue and exploration into societal status.

  • Light-to-heavy combat based scenarios.

  • Events that cater to the setting of FFXIV, that are lore adjacent, but not lore strict.

  • Events that cater to low-and-high fantasy characters in the setting.

  • In-depth connections and storylines. Can sometimes trail to darker themes.

  • Likeminded storytellers looking to provide you with thought provoking events and narratives.

ㅤWhat Not to Expectㅤ

  • Absolutely no NSFW content.

  • Focus on modern and sci-fi settings, ex. night clubs.

  • Server Moderation will not be the ones solely creating events or driving the narrative.

  • Extremely 'beginner-friendly' scenarios that require no knowledge of roleplay structure or etiquette.

  • Frequent focus on places outside of Heavensward Adjacent areas. Will sometimes involve Mor Dhona or the Shroud.

   I. Open World Moderation

While we can moderate this community and ensure no poor parties create discomfort for those within the server, moderating out in the open world is another story, therefore, first feel free to let us know by making a ticket so that we can know who these players are - but while we cannot feasibly remove them, it is encouraged to blacklist them so that they no longer appear on your screen and can no longer grief the RP. We will then ensure that these players, who have not made a sound contribution to our events, are not welcome in the discord server. Do provide screenshots of each incident, for conclusive evidence to lead our decisions.

   I. Syncshell

Please note that should you join the syncshell with inappropriate glamours, or excessively heavy downloads, you will be banned. Custom sounds and excessive animations are not permitted either. This is a SFW syncshell.This syncshell will be purged once per month.ID: MSS-RYZ9NBC0M6FY
Password: dragonsblood


   I. Statement

For a full review on the event and server rules, please join the Discord. The rules below, however apply only to the weekly event that takes place on Thursdays as well as any open world activity in relation to the Dragonhead community.

  • DO NOTㅤgod-mod, meta-game or powerplay. You are not in control of others characters.

  • DO NOTㅤBring ooc drama to the initiative. Hosts and other affiliate communities will not take responsibility.

  • DO NOTㅤpost spoilers, this is an ARR zone.

  • DO NOTㅤspam the chat with ooc dialogue.

  • DO NOTㅤassume anyone has authority in the locale, IC or OOC. The Observatorium is part of the nation of Ishgard, and is thus controlled by the Ishgardian Governing bodies.

  • DOㅤtake initiative, facilitate rp and be pro-active! If someone isn't walking up to you, then walk up to them.

  • DOㅤBe mindful of your character's actions. Every action has a consequence.

  • DOㅤask permission with a /tell when the potential for IC conflict/drama is to take place.

  • DOㅤbe excellent with one another.

  • DOㅤFeel free to wander to different locales within the Dragonhead region. You need not stick to the Observatorium only!


   I. Statement

These are friends of the Dragonhead community! Feel free to visit their venues or events, we may see you there! If you'd like to become an affiliate of the Dragonhead community, then join the Discord and reach out to the moderation. Note only events and locales in Heavensward adjacent zones, Ishgard, Mor Dhona and the Shroud will be posted here.

   I. Misery's Clinic and Eatery

A free clinic and eatery, where many can come enjoy a nice meal, or get treated for injuries and phsyical issues.

   I. Tailfeather's Finest

Tailfeather's finest is offering drinks, fine food and hunting bills to those who frequent Ishgard's adventurer district. All are welcome; groups can register to reserve tables that seat up to 6 people. Stop by, grab a hunt bill and profit! Opening dates will feature on their Carrd, so check back frequently!

   I. The Firmament

A Final Fantasy 14 Online Ishgard RP Community based primarily on the Crystal Data Center. We're active, friendly, chill, LGBT+ friendly and we discourage lore snobbery. There are currently over 1000 members, and we have various kinds of interaction opportunities including pop ups, monthly market events, and roulettes!

   I. The Fury's Hallow

Within the Empyreum district of Ishgard lies a respite for weary adventurers, as well as those who wish to test each other in combat. Regardless of your endeavor, may the Fury bless your every step.Events on the First & Third Fridays of each Month. (+ additional special events)

   I. Volaire's Soup Kitchen

A monthly opening to the Volaire estate for all those of need for warm food and drink, Ishgardian or traveler alike!